Monday, June 18, 2012

Tell Me How You REALLY Feel, Cowen.

I had started a quilt a few weeks back (my first one!!) Today I decided to finally pin it together so I could start the very scary process of putting it together. As I'm on the floor, cutting excess batting cowen flips over the couch to see the quilt laid out perfectly. He says "Holy cow!" I respond with "pretty cool huh?" He tells me "no that's not cool, that's wicked!!"...right at this point I'm feeling like one super rad mommy...then he proceeds to tell me why it's wicked...

"I can't believe you did it! I'm so proud of you!!! You never do anything by yourself! "

...thanks cowen, I feel much better now! Doesn't he know you're not suppose to say stuff like that to your mom right AFTER your dad has left?? :) if only he knew, huh?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Gay Pride!

So I'm sitting here on Facebook with cowen looking over my shoulder. He sees a pride picture (thanks Theresa! Lol) and goes "oh wow, that's so colorful! What is it?" I told him its the pride festival. Being the, I need answers kinda child he is, he asks "what's pride?" So I told him "its a festival for gay people to show that they are proud of who they are. Its full of dancing, music and food." He asks what a gay person was. I told him "a gay person is a boy that likes boys and girls that like other girls, your aunt Theresa is gay" (Thanks Theresa! Lol)

...."uhm, you're gay too mom."

Oookay! Maybe a better explanation is in order :D

Saturday, May 26, 2012

I Can Always Count on Jonas

I was talking to Casey about what would be done with our bodies when we die. I'd like for us to get cremated, he wants to put me in the ground. So I turned to Jonas

"When mommy dies I want to be cremated okay?"

Jo "okay momma we can do that"

"And when daddy dies too I want him cremated, then I want you to put us in the same bucket and shake us up and throw us in the ocean"

Jo "okay...but wont the sharks eat you guys?"

"It doesn't matter, we'll be dead"

Jo "...I'm putting you in the dirt"

"But I don't want to be buried"

Jo "it doesn't matter, you'll be dead"

Well there goes my dying dreams!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

fur brothers

Finnigan has two of them, He's made it clear that he pretty much spends just a little too much time with them.

I was in the kitchen, Finn started whining in the living room, so I called to him "finny are you hungry?" He quiets down. I finished what I was doing and then turned to go into the living room and I see Finn, crawling towards me with a box of raisins in his mouth. I laugh and say "I guess you are hungry! Want me to open those?" He crawls to my feet, sits back on his legs and drops the raisins in front of me, points to them and says "da " which is his version of "that"(...I think) so I open them and, uh dump them on the floor so he can gobble them up!

I really need to start limiting his doggie time :)

Friday, May 4, 2012

One Year Ago Today

Was a day that will go down in history, it was the day that we welcomed our youngest son Finnigan Archer, into our family. Today I'd like to share with you the story of his day of birth! like any other day in our family it wasnt without a few laughs.

Our oldest boy was SO excited that we were having another baby that he asked the birthing version of "are we there yet?" just about every day towards the end of the pregnancy. Both of the older boys were, I would say, borderline devestated when we all found out Finn was a boy; Cowen kept saying "Maybe it will change into a girl" and "Why are you having another brother, I really wanted a sister momma." Jonas would tell us that maybe its just a boy while its in my tummy and when it comes out it will change into a girl. Way to dissapoint, I know. Back to the day of the birth, around 3am on the 4th I was awakened by stronger contractions, not painful but noticable, started timing them and about an hour or an hour and a half into it I think they started becoming closer than they were when I went to bed; we lived two hours from the hospital and Jonas made his grand entrance in about 6 hrs so we thought we were going to be cutting it close if we waited it out too long at home, so we gave it another hour or so then we showered and Loaded up the car. Then loaded up the children around 5 am. They were a little confused as to why we were getting in the car at dark time and I told them, the baby is on his way! Cowen was all smiles and started laughing, told us he was "so excited" and then racked out about 10minutes into the drive. Jonas was still mad at us for pulling him out of bed. Boy likes his sleep.

We got to the hospital around 7, my contractions were 3-5min apart lasting well over a minute at that point. We got all checked in and put on the monitors to see if I was actually laboring. They checked me and sure enough I had dilated a cm since the day before, and I was contracting. I showed some changes after a couple hours, though I was still in early labor and not progressing very fast. They kept us because we lived so far away!

Casey was amazing and got the boys all situated, brought all our bags in from the car, had packed hospital bags for the two older boys as well. Stuffed full of snacks, brand new DS's and games, and a couple different action figure toys. The. Best. Idea. Ever. The boys kept asking every hour "is he here yet?" but after 19hrs of labor they did so good, couldnt have been prouder. only one fight and it didnt get completely physical. YAY!!

When it came time to push the little sucker out, the boys were in the back corner playing with the cameras on their ds's and playing with the video camera (which btw, if you want some interesting birthing angles from your childrens birth, give cameras to your toddlers! oye. needless to say some pictures were deleted) The nurses were busily getting ready to deliver the baby, cause me and my sneaky self started pushing before telling anyone so that I could spend as little time strung up as possible. They checked me and could see his head, BOOYAH! during all this the boys didnt seem to even realize anything was actually going on. Until he cried. They both had no idea what to think of the boy, but were happy to sit and stare at him. They sat and looked at him laying on my chest while they waited to cut the cord(automatically waited, I never asked so that was awesome! apparently my doctor had a thing for placenta, so knew the importance of delayed cord clamping)Cowen looked at him and said "He looks disgusting!" and then asked if he was still a boy. Sadly, yes.

after I told them they could wipe him down they brought him back unswaddled, which was a shock to me, but they wanted immediate skin to skin so that he would breasteed a bit more willingly. Amazing Dr.s and Nurses at this place, im telling you. When they gave the baby back to me, Jonas came and whispered in my ear "Mommy, why'd the baby come out your weiner?" Well honey, cause he couldnt come out any place else!

What a dream this little boy has been in our lives, such a live wire already and has wasted no time trying to beat his way into the pecking order. Cowen adores him and is so willing to do anything for him, and I think Jonas would rather send him back! He has started walking here and there this week! hopefully he'll be running around driving us all insane in no time.

So, Happy Birthday my little man, you make our hearts SO happy! I cant believe how fast this year has gone, today is a huge milestone for him in two ways, made it to a year in one piece despite his brothers efforts and we also made it 12 months breastfeeding! Has never had a drop of formula. I still see many months of nursing ahead of us and I couldnt be happier with the decision we made to continue breastfeeding past 6 months. what an experience this year has been, Wish we could have a few more :)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Love Notes

Starting today's chores, I had the boys start cleaning their room while Finn and I vacuumed the downstairs everything was going great, couldnt hear the kids and the babe was riding along calmly when the next thing I know I get a sharp sting to the back of my head, I look down. there is a retractable leash. I looked towards the stairs, I see Will Turner (jonas's name of the day, yes I do use his play names when he gets in trouble, otherwise he blames it on "Jonas", clever huh?) grinning. I look at him and say "are you kidding me? You JUST got in trouble for throwing pennies at the baby's head Will Turner, March right back up those stairs I don't want to see you til your rooms clean. I am very disappointed in your choices." So then cowen comes prancing down the stairs and plows over will, flinging him into the baby gate...really?! So I tell him to get to his room as well. After some arguing, he goes.

I get back to my cleaning *side note-You know what's a great workout? Vacuuming with a 20lbs baby weight attached to it* getting into my vacuuming zone when I see something get flung over the upstairs wall. I stop the vacuum, yell up stairs that they aren't supposed to be throwing things. I hear "its a NOTE why don't you just read it?!" I decide to finish cleaning instead. When I finally read it this is what I find

Translated, it reads "we're not coming out today because you were being rude to us. Cowen and Jonas"
LOVE it! HAHAHA! Being a mother is wonderful ;)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Couch Forts

So even though its against the rules, here I sit watching the boys tear apart my couch so they can build a fort. I figure its either this, or they'll end up dumping out the contents of the toy box, and the toys are a much bigger my couch is in shambles.

Anyway, cowen is building this overly tall fort built with every single cushion, some bed pillows, a back pack and daddy's jacket. Jonas comes over from pausing to get a drink and asks "what are you doing?" Cowen answers with "building a fort that I call destiny-care to join me?".

Yup, that JUST happened.